Recommended Resources:

For Pastors:

BVBN has a selection of books available to our Pastors. If you’re interested in picking up your free copy of any of the titles below, please email us.

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Directory of Community Resources:

Click on a button below to access an alphabetical list of resources available to help meet the practical needs of B/CS residents. For more information, please call 2-1-1 or visit

To add your organization, ministry, or company to our list of B/CS resources, please email


Church Planting Center

In partnership with the Baptist General Convention of Texas & partner churches, we provide a 42-week long course focused to equip men with the spiritual & practical skills needed for church planting. Our center is dual language (English/Spanish).


Annual Gatherings

The Annual Gatherings are yearly conferences culminating the year’s theme & casting vision for the next year. This 1-day conference serves everyone in our association. We have worship, breakout sessions, a keynote session, and a ministry fair.


Quarterly Gatherings

Each quarter, pastors and ministry leaders enjoy a meal provided by a partner church, discuss associational business, and welcome a guest speaker.


Coffee & Conversations

The pastors in our association come together every quarter to enjoy purposeful fellowship over coffee & conversations. We believe that healthy churches need healthy pastors.


Pastor’s Wife Fellowship

Being a pastor’s wife carries a special burden. We provide support of women in these shoes through quarterly socials that form lasting relationships.